Yesterday is not dead,
It is just gone,
Spinning into the realm of our memories,
Together with our happiness,
Together with our sadness,
Or together with both…
Life spins,
Like a wheel of fortune,
And when it stops,
You know not where you are;
You might be somewhere in the kingdom of the undesirables,
Or you would end up in a beautiful garden of heavenly bliss,
Or at a rim of a menacing black hole;
Standing by to usurp you into nothingness…
Would you dare to ride again,
On your wheel of fortune?
And would you care if it spins at all?
I would take a ride through a wormhole,
For I am an adventurer with a yearning soul,
Take me to the land of a million sorrows,
And I shall be there without fear of any tomorrow…
Copyright – Ali Sobree @ AisKOOL November 2010