A hush and then a whisper,
A storm is coming…
I could see the cloud turning darker,
Thunder is growling and the wind is howling,
Filth spewing in the air, heavy and dirty.
We are doomed,
We are going to be bound,
To a hell on a dreadful earth,
Unless we move and shove and push,
The dark gathering clouds…
We shall burn our despair,
And set our hopelessness on fire.
We shall destroy the destroyers,
And we shall shred the Jokers,
With their Aces and Kings and Queens,
Even the Jacks of All Hypocrites.
Tear them into little pieces,
And let the rendering storm carry them,
With other filth and garbage.
And we shall turn on the taps,
In our garden of hopes,
We shall spray the water into the warm sunlight…
We would then see a rainbow,
Curving beautifully on the blue horizon.
The filthy storm shall be in our distant memories…
Copyright – Ali Sobree @ AisKOOL August 2010