Wednesday, January 16, 2008

And then, what?

New year again. Another number gone by. And then, what? No matter, just a number anyway. Numbers rule. You've got ID number, cellular number, P.O.Box number, postcode number. Numbers, numbers and numbers everywhere...

Yesterday is dead and gone. But I remember yesterdays and yesterweeks and yesteryears. Those were the liberal days when I used to roam around freely, anywhere at anytime of the day without a slightest fear of being subjected to any heinous crime. It was like a KOOL dream. Beautiful days, gorgeous nights, nice friends, nice people, nice places to hang out; nice everything. Lovely and KOOL!!!

But today, these days; people have changed. Dreams have changed. Priorities have changed. Everything has changed. But I intend to remain unchanged; KOOL and gratified. Haunting love, no hate, no mind-numbing politically correct streams of thoughts, no razzle-dazzle of rat race, no something nasty eat something nasty kind of world, no nothing that bothers my heart and soul.

Umm... gotta get off for a while. Mebbe more than a while. Need to render and then edit some scenes for my latest animation. I'm into episode 8 of my 13 episodes animation TV series entitled Sheng-Reela. I'll be blabbering about it sometime later.

Need to put some audio fxs as well. And some music too. Ouch! Only 24 hours, and so many things to do in a day. Wish that I have another 12 hours in a day. Or mebbe more. Wish that there are two moons hanging in the sky; one snow white, the other bluish white. And greenish blue sky across the horizon.

Do you dream? I dream with my eyes wide open.

KOOLing off as of now...